We offer customized behavioral health services for each client.

To make medication and therapy work, behavioral health professionals and their clients must work together. The professional should understand the needs of their clients and the clients must feel motivated to commit to their treatment inside and outside sessions. For this reason, we work with our clients from the beginning so they can feel more involved in their treatment and get encouraged to adhere to their medications and participate in their activities.

We currently offer services for the following:

Addiction is a chronic condition that involves a dysfunctional interaction among reward, motivation, and memory. It usually causes compulsive pursuit for reward even in the face of harmful consequences.
ADHD or Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder is a mental health disorder that is usually observed and diagnosed during childhood. The common symptoms of ADHD include impulsivity, inability to concentrate, and hyperactivity, which can affect a child’s motor and social development.
Alcohol Use
Alcohol use, when effectively regulated, is not harmful to an individual. Otherwise, it can cause physical, social, and behavioral issues that can affect an individual’s quality of life.
Anger Management
Anger is a normal emotion. However, when it is not healthily expressed, it can cause different problems, including interpersonal and intrapersonal issues that may affect individuals’ overall health.
Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder is a behavioral health issue involving mood fluctuations that affect people’s thoughts, moods, and behaviors. The types of Bipolar disorder are Bipolar I (episodes of mania and depression), Bipolar II (hypomania), and cyclothymic disorder (a mild form of bipolar disorder).
Borderline Personality
Borderline Personality Disorder is characterized by a pattern of varying moods, behavior, and self-image. This can affect an individual’s self-esteem, sense of security, quality of relationships, ability to regulate emotion, and response to stressors.
We have professionals that specialize in addressing children’s behavioral health needs. They utilize different approaches that are more effective for children and encourage them to share their experiences. Whatever the child’s issues are, our behavioral health professionals can offer treatment services to guide them into understanding their condition and finding healthy ways to cope with their symptoms. They may also guide family members into understanding the types of support they can offer their children.
Chronic Illness and/or Chronic Pain
Dealing with a chronic illness or pain can be difficult for a lot of people. For this reason, we offer treatment services so individuals affected by this condition can be guided into having a mindset that enables them to be mentally strong in managing their condition. This may significantly affect their commitment to their treatment and response to doctors’ and their care providers’ advice in managing their health.
Coping Skills
We may face adversities that may seem difficult to manage or deal with in life. For some, this may result in adopting coping skills that may cause harm to their overall health. For this reason, we have made our therapy services available so we can work with our clients in determining their issues, pointing out their adverse behaviors, guiding them in finding coping skills that are more healthy and productive-promoting their ability to improve and grow.
Divorce does not only affect the couple. It also affects the children (if they have any) since changes in the family dynamics come with divorce. Therapy may serve as a middle ground where the divorced couple can communicate and talk about issues surrounding the divorce. For couples that have children, communication can also help them determine an arrangement that works for them as parents and children.
Substance and Drug Abuse
Substance abuse is characterized as a condition involving a person’s compulsive or obsessive need to take a drug. A lot of individuals who have this condition can get so dependent on the drugs that it negatively affects their thoughts, behavior, and relationships. Getting and staying sober usually involves a long process, but it is possible with individuals’ dedication to treatment and a professional’s guidance.
Dual Diagnosis
There are individuals dealing with a behavioral health condition and substance abuse since there are behavioral health conditions that can contribute to the development of substance use disorders and vice versa. In this situation, a behavioral health professional considers both conditions in providing treatment, which usually involves medication and therapy.
Eating Disorders
Eating disorders are behavioral health issues that can be very serious as they affect the individual’s psychological, social, and physical health. There are different types of eating disorders and each has adverse effects on the person’s overall health.
Family Conflict
Family problems are normal since members have their own opinions and unique personalities. However, if the issues seem impossible to resolve, the family may benefit from asking for the support of a behavioral health professional. They can serve as mediators in promoting communication and allowing each member to share their thoughts and be heard. Underlying issues may also be addressed during therapy sessions.
Losing a loved one or something that important can be difficult. A behavioral health consultant can guide individuals in all the stages of grief and in coping with the loss.
Medication Management
A lot of behavioral health symptoms can be controlled with medications. For this reason, we prescribe medications for clients who we think need them and offer regular follow-ups to ensure that they are taking their medications as prescribed or to create changes on medications to make sure that their drugs are serving their purpose.
Obesity can be as much a behavioral health issue as it is physical. The goal of behavioral therapy in obesity management is to help individuals learn the skills needed to achieve a healthy weight. This may also involve addressing possible underlying issues that may have caused the obesity, supporting the individual in dealing with them, and finding coping skills that are healthier.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
OCD is a behavioral health condition characterized by compulsions and obsessions that affect a person’s quality of life. Each person dealing with this condition may display different obsessions and compulsions, but the ultimate goal of managing this condition is to help the individual resist their compulsions and curb their obsessions.
Relationship Issues
There is a myriad of relationship issues that do affect not only the relationship but also the overall health of the individuals involved in the relationship. With the support of a behavioral health professional, these issues are determined and individuals can be guided in resolving the problems.
School Issues
Academic responsibilities and other social factors in school may cause distress and pressure. When unchecked, it may cause significant changes in the child’s self-esteem and overall behavior. In cases like these, a behavioral health consultant may work with the child in understanding and managing the issues and guide the parents on how to support their child.
Healthy self-esteem enables individuals to know that they are worthy of all the good things they have in their lives and can reach their goals while also being considerate of others. Having low or too high self-esteem may cause individuals to have an unrealistic view of themselves and affect their growth.
can be the effect of another behavioral health condition and should be taken seriously. With the support of a behavioral health professional, individuals who practice self-harm can be guided in understanding and addressing their problems.
Sexual Abuse
abuse comes in different ways, not just physically but also psychologically. These cases must be treated with confidentiality. Therapy services can be provided to support individuals in dealing with the possible stresses and/or trauma they experienced.
Sleep Problems or Insomnia
There are certain behavioral health conditions that may cause sleep problems or insomnia. Working with a behavioral health consultant can help determine the underlying causes and find the appropriate treatment to promote healthy sleep.
Stress is a normal response that is here to help us survive since it keeps us alert about our surroundings. However, too much stress can cause physical, behavioral, and social health issues. A consultant may teach an individual healthy stress management exercises and more.
Suicidal Ideation
Suicide ideation is serious and should be treated as potentially dangerous behavior. The kinds of treatment that a person will receive depend on the kind of threat a person poses to him/herself. The treatment may include therapy and medication or recommendations for in-patient hospitalization for individuals who are at a higher risk.
Teen Violence
There are different factors that can prompt teen violence. This and other factors need to be determined during a treatment session to find the proper solutions for this problem. Since teens are under the protection of a parent or guardian, professionals collaborate with them to ensure that the teen is offered the guidance they need.
Testing and Evaluation
Evaluations are essential initial steps in finding a diagnosis for the patient. This may involve interviews and testing to ensure that all factors are accounted for in creating a treatment plan for the client.
Society still has a long way to go in being accepting and inclusive of transgender people. Unfortunately, this may affect their psychological and behavioral health. Our consultants may offer transgender people the support they need to help improve their resilience, affirm their identity and place in society, and manage the trauma and emotional issues they may have had to deal with.
Trauma and PTSD
Trauma and PTSD can be experienced in different ways, but one thing in common, they may affect a person’s quality of life. There are no definitive cures for PTSD, but with health management offered by a behavioral professional, the symptoms can be managed, helping improve one’s ability to deal with the condition.
Traumatic Brain Injury
Traumatic Brain Injury results to a damage to the brain and may cause long or even permanent effects on a person’s cognitive functions and behavior. With therapy, the individual can be guided in learning healthy coping skills, emotional regulation, and more.
Weight Loss
Deciding to lose weight for a healthier, fitter body is a decision that reaps a wide array of benefits. However, when done incorrectly or in ways that do more harm than good, one has to take a closer look at the reasons behind the decision and the way the weight loss is achieved. We have consultants who are advocates for healthier weight loss and specialize in treating eating and other body image disorders.
Women’s Issues

Treatment services for women’s issues deal with any concern that may impact women’s health. The issues that are dealt on this type of service range from stereotyping to non-gender related issues but may still affect women.

Types of therapy we utilize:

Seated on couch hunched old man looking desperate and lonely

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT is a psychological treatment that aims to help individuals learn how to determine and change negative thought patterns that may adversely influence one’s emotions and behavior. This form of therapy is utilized to address many behavioral health conditions since thoughts and emotions play an essential role in one’s behavior. The ultimate goal of CBT is to help people understand that while we cannot control every aspect of our lives, we have the power to control our interpretation and our response to them.

Family and Marital

Behavioral health treatment is widely collaborative to achieve optimum results. There are instances when individual therapy is not enough. Family members need to be involved, so they know how to support their loved ones in managing their condition. We also offer marital therapy and guide couples in talking about the issues in their marriage so they can decide on how to manage their problems to strengthen their relationship.


Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT) focuses on relationships and social interactions. It tackles the support one gets from their relationships and how these relationships affect their overall health. IPT focuses on four main problem areas:

  • Grief and Loss
  • Role Dispute
  • Life Changes
  • Interpersonal Deficits

IPT has been found to be an effective treatment option for different behavioral health disorders since a lot of a person’s behavior is affected by their relationships and their environment.

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy is a mixture of CBT, meditation, and mindfulness and encourages people to consciously pay attention to their thoughts without judgment. It encourages individuals to be in the present moment. MCBT aims to help people have clarity of thought and offers tools that enable them to let go of negative thoughts and focus on healthy ones.


Psychoanalytic therapy focuses on the idea that the unconscious can influence ones’ feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. It explores a person’s avoidance of thoughts or situations that may cause discomfort and past experiences that influence present choices and behavior. This form of therapy also allows individuals to freely talk about their fears, desires, fantasies, dreams, and other thoughts, which are essential to better understand the person’s situation.
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